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“At the heart of Assynt, arguably one of  Europe’s greatest landscapes...”
Isolated, untouched and located in the great wilderness of Assynt, the three Corbetts that make up Quinag will give you a hill day you’ll never forget.
Climbing Quinag i an expedition of the sublime. This island peak with its dead straight spine and twin corries cloaked in verdant green and glistening quartzite is an unforgettable sight from any direction. To tread its ridges and summits would be a joyful enterprise even if it were located at the edge of a grim urban landscape.  
The fact that it stands tall as the last great peak of the Torridian chain at the  heart of Assynt, arguably one of Europe’s greatest landscapes, lifts this mountain to a whole new dimension. People tend to go misty eyed when they talk about the North West Highlands, and if you ever wondered why then just take yourself to Quinag.  
In practical terms, so long as you are used to rough mountain walking you will have no trouble  with this far north peak. It does have a rather tough look to it from below, particularly if you focus in on all the sharp looking rock. However this is an honest mountain, with any tricky areas easy to spot. You’ll find more than enough forgiving passages to bypass any technical sections too. The start on the A894 is advantageously high and although there are a few ups and downs across the summits there are no killer ascents.